CBC Canadian Broadcasting Company
Charting a new path for CBC, and CBC Gem
Developing an integrated campaign that did a deep dive into the breadth and depth of CBC’s entertainment catalogue, to serve unexpected content to their growth audience

Carving out a new space in the market by creatively, boldly and courageously creating awareness, recognition and fame for what CBC does.
The digital spots pushed audiences to see past CBC as a one-dimensional news organization. Helping the CBC brand strengthen their awareness, raise relevancy, familiarity and engagement by showing the many other ways that CBC (CBC Gem) can entertain them and add value to their lives.
The campaign’s provocative OOH headlines and imagery was meant to pique curiosity in dwell moments and lead to a branded QR code to transport their audiences directly into 35+ pieces of content.

The campaign assets were expanded into a B2B incentivized multi-sensory package of entertainment offerings intended to remind agencies why CBC should stay top of mind. A unique presentation of tangible and tactile takeaways inclusive of a programming "menu", stickers and other surprises that represented key shows and messaging.